Ok, so once upon a time I'd attempted to walk the
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer 3Day. Unfortunately I had had a bike accident a couple months before the walk and hurt my knee (it still smarts a little to this day. siiiigh) and had been taken to the hospital to get fixed up (Ricardo, thank you forever for being a true friend always). Anyway, I ended up not walking.
This has always bummed me out. I love to walk. I love doing good. I love being socially conscious and responsible. I like doing things with a sense of purpose, a sense of a "greater good", and this 3day walk is a legacy. Plus, I hate cancer, all kinds, but particularly breast cancer. I'm afraid of breast cancer. I've had people around me affected greatly by it, by either having it themselves or loosing loved ones to it. However, I'm hopeful of the medical strides over the past decades that have worked to bring breast cancer research and treatments further than ever before. 1 in 8 women are diagnosed with breast cancer, which sounds terrible. But just a few years ago it used to be 1 in 7 women. I'm banking that in a few short years it'll be 1 in 9, 1 in 10 and so on until it's barely a whisper or maybe not even there at all. In the meantime, I can do my part, but that doesn't happen without a lot of help from others.
The walk is 60 miles long, 20 miles a day. I've never walked that far before, and I am pretty sure it's difficult. I've walked 18 miles in one day before, and can easily walk across town and back (about 10 miles) without difficulty. I'm pretty sure that 3 full days of constant walking is going to be a challenge, but I find the fundraising to be the bigger challenge. In order to qualify for the walk, I have to raise $2300 by game day, Oct. 15th-17th, 2010. So I need donations. I'm aiming to get my first donation this week, maybe even today. Starting, they say, is always the hardest part. This is true, I've found, for almost anything. But once something starts, it sort of carries itself along under it's own momentum. I'm hoping to get this giant ball rolling. If you donate, thank you so much! If you spread the word that I'm walking, thank you doubly so!