Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Yet another snow day in Philly

Ahhh.....another snowed-in day in Philly. It's been snowing for many hours now, and is supposed to snow for a further several hours. Already schools and businesses are closed for tomorrow. It's a wintery, slushy mess out there, best enjoyed from cozy indoors or simply to play in for sledding and snowmen. Today my besties Christiana and Sarah came over for crafting, movies and making homemade pretzels. Mmmmm....!


Also we found a butterfly fluttering in my house. We put him on our rosemary bush that's currently residing in our in-house growing station. He's got a lil' heart on his wing!


  1. Those pretzels are making my mouth water! Looks like you ladies had sweet day!

  2. Thanks! Just checked out your website. Congrats on your engagement! I have a pair of friends, also named Sarah and Brian, who also are planning a wedding. Love is in the air!
