Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

Yay! 4th of July! A day of great smells: sunblock, BBQ, fresh air... and best of all the crappy excuse for a drum circle is NOT playing their one and only 7-hour off-rhythm "song" in the park across the street today! Hopefully they're all at the beach with their bongos or whatevers, subjecting new victims to their very own free and unwarranted concert.

In art news: I'm going for the West Collection Prize. In a on-going quest to not only make art regularly, but to - dare I say - accrue personal confidence in said work, I'm looking for appropriate grants, shows, prizes, etc to apply for. This could totally backfire and riddle me with demons after landslides of rejections. Or I could finally grow a pair. And I've been really hoping to earn my balls sooner rather than later.

And now some photos of the work that recently came down from our MERE: Recent Works show:

Cell Mates, 2009, silk & thread

detail of Cell Mates

Potential, 2009, silk and thread

detail of Potential

Our Shared Secrets, 2009, silk and thread, paper and graphite

detail of Our Shared Secrets

Next up, I have several embroidary hoop projects I'm putting together.


  1. Wow Beth! Your work is amazing -- I especially love Our Shared Secrets. You rock!

  2. Thanks Lauren! Always appreciative of the positive feedback. My friend Angie bought "Our Shared Secrets". I'm glad it was her so I can visit the piece once in a while.
